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Refund and Cancellation
Refund and Cancellation

Refund and Cancellation Policy for Travel Website:

  1. Booking and Payment:

    • All bookings made through our website are subject to availability and confirmation.
    • Full payment or a deposit, as specified at the time of booking, is required to confirm reservations.
    • Payment methods accepted include credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and other specified methods.
    • Failure to make timely payments may result in the cancellation of the booking.
  2. Cancellation Policy:

    • Cancellation policies vary depending on the travel service provider, destination, and type of booking.
    • Clients are responsible for understanding and adhering to cancellation policies.
    • Cancellation requests must be submitted through our website or by contacting our customer support team.
    • Refunds, if applicable, will be processed according to the terms outlined by the service provider.
    • Processing fees and cancellation charges may apply.
  3. Refund Policy:

    • Refunds are subject to the cancellation policies of the service provider and the terms of the booking.
    • Refunds for cancellations are typically processed within [number of days] business days after receiving the cancellation request.
    • Refunds may be issued in the original form of payment or as travel credits, depending on the service provider's policy.
    • The amount refunded may be subject to deductions for cancellation fees, processing fees, and non-refundable portions of the booking.
  4. Changes and Amendments:

    • Any changes or amendments to bookings may be subject to additional fees or charges.
    • Changes are subject to availability and confirmation by the service provider.
    • Clients should review and comply with the terms and conditions of the service provider regarding changes to bookings.
  5. Exceptions and Force Majeure:

    • In cases of force majeure events such as natural disasters, political unrest, or government advisories, special refund and cancellation policies may apply.
    • The travel website reserves the right to modify or waive cancellation fees or refund policies in such circumstances, as determined by the service provider.
  6. Communication and Notification:

    • Clients will be notified of any changes to their bookings, including cancellations or amendments, via email or other specified communication channels.
    • It is the client's responsibility to ensure that the contact information provided at the time of booking is accurate and up to date.
  7. Customer Support:

    • Our customer support team is available to assist clients with any questions or concerns regarding refunds, cancellations, or changes to bookings.
    • Clients can contact customer support through our website, email, or phone during business hours.
  8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

    • Disputes arising from or related to refunds and cancellations shall be governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction], and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Jurisdiction].

By booking travel services through our website, clients acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to abide by our refund and cancellation policy. This policy may be subject to change without prior notice.